
Single sign-on from DocCheck

Count on us.



verified community members


implemented DocCheck logins


logins per day

What do we offer?

Fast access for your
medical target group

Links to a growing community
of verified members

DocCheck is trusted
and well known

Our therapeutic services:

Your first aid kit

All questions answered? Then you can set up your access here:

Want to get involved in more detail? Our in-depth information will answer all of your questions:

Quickstart Guide

Licensing & Pricing Details

Technical manual

OAuth2 manual


Integration Native Apps

Open source WordPress plugin (Third party)

White paper search

Didn't find what you're looking for? Discover all DocCheck services for businesses here.

Get in touch:

The DocCheck Industry team is looking forward to advising you about our login license.

0221 92053595
0221 92053595