Advertorial in DocCheck News

Use our wide-reaching editorial newsletter to spread your message throughout the medical community.

The DocCheck News are issued to a target group of about 310,400 doctors, pharmacists, students and other health care professionals and informs from Mondays to Fridays about news from the healthcare sector, medical innovations and current studies.

You would like to profit from native advertising and quickly draw the attention of readers in your target group to your message? Book an advertorial in our newsletter and get hold of one of the placements between the editorial articles of the DocCheck News.

The advertorial offers space for a teaser text with an apt headline and a matching image. We can link the advertorial either to an external page of your choice or to an article hosted by DocCheck, which we fill with text-image elements provided by you.

Make a request

Of course, you will receive an evaluation of the opening rate of the newsletter and the clicks on the links that were placed in the teaser and, if applicable, in your article on DocCheck.

Need help creating your advertorial? Use our composition guideline and if you have any further questions, our experts will support you at any time.

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Get in touch:

0221 92053100
0221 92053100